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Mind of The Phoenix

I received this ARC from Penner Publishing via NG in return for an honest review. "Oblivion is divine, and my lingering consciousness is hell." let's delve into the plot: "I am a Del Mar, property of the pleasure house owner; I am not a person." Moira is a woman used and abused by men for their own pleasures. But worse, she is also an empath...powerful and angry. Thrown in jail and starved when she kills her owner, begging...hoping for death to finally claim her. But it doesn't, life is a cruel mistress. Moira finds herself as the property of the 'Elite' and their police force need her help. They need to find out who has been killing off the Elite members of Braxton. Help the enemy? Help the people who have made her common, forced her to pleasure the men? Is there even a choice? Moira is assigned to Detective Keenan Edwards and finds herself thrown into a life that may just be her undoing. This book was so great! I'm not even kidding, i freaking enjoyed this story! McLachlan created a world that shocked, frightened, hurt and ruined me! I really like Thrillers, i don't know why but i've recently acquired a taste for it. Therefore, combining this with the paranormal features of Empaths and adding a romance that made my heart bleed, the equation results in one happy reader! CAUTION!-This book has themes of physical abuse, prostitution and rape. However, this book isn't dirty, like it isn't gross. I would say that it is definitely a New Adult book though, just because some of the content just pulls at your heart strings and shocks the heck out of you. Okay let's talk characters- Moira is an amazing character. Man...I can't even imagine what that life must've been like for her. To be...treated like that. To know what those men are thinking when they're hurting you *shudders* I can't even fathom such a thing. The pain she carries around is so poignant, it'll hit you right in the guts. Which is why the tentative 'like' that develops with the detective was so freaking beautiful to me! Keenan Edwards, when I first met him, i had my doubts, i won't lie. But the man just grew on me, he was so condescending but then when he finally spent time with her and learned who she truly was...the character growth was epic. Also, the agony he goes through when he tries to solve a case, he's such a great character! The romance part, melted my heart, especially the hug that happened. oh man. I'm sappy but that just...broke my heart. "I can't recall a time when I've ever been this close to someone without them hurting me or trying to have sex with me...I lean forward and rest my forehead on his collarbone..." The suspense is crazy too, so many questions! Look, let's have a real moment- it isn't the greatest steamspunk book i've ever read but I really enjoyed the characters and anguish and the suspense. So be open-minded! Looking forward to that next installment! Stay awesome! -The Book Herald tweet me @thebookherald

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