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Candidate (The Black Mage #3)

I got/won this ARC from the author, in return for an honest- unbiased review. (publishing date- 27/10/2015) Rating- 4.5 Stars "Flames erupted in a tempest of red. Against the bright summer sun it seared. Red like blood. Red like rage. red like revenge." OH. MY. GOSH...THIS BOOK! Let's do a little hop and delve into the plot! (I'll write it almost like Ryiah is narrating, it's not a quote).

Life should have finally been a dream, everything worked out right? I had everything i ever wanted. And then it was not. And then everything changed. And then I was falling. The price to be with the boy I've loved for years was much more than I anticipated, and my soul has taken the damage. War is coming and the only thing i feel is rage, A numbness that prevails. I have to win. I will be the best, I will be the Black Mage. But things are bigger than even that, Can Darren and I survive what's coming? Betrayal prevails in Jerar, nothing is ever as it seems.

Darren took my hand..."If anyone beats me, I want it to be you, Ryiah." I shut my eyes and sighed. "Perhaps the gods will surprise us and it will be neither." "A true tragedy" he agreed. "Of epic proportions." His smile was just the faintest line in the shadows. "Two longstanding rivals." "And only one robe to bear." "Who will win?" This book is like the holy blend of Game of Thrones and Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) only the Young Adult version!!! This book made me feel like i was falling in love, dying, betrayed, dying (it had to be mentioned twice), angry, hurt and extremely happy. Seriously, so many scenes i was pretty sure a horde of elephants had a stampede on my heart and soul, i got all tight throat and teary, I was roaring for justice and there were moment i forgot that this is fiction because I was so freaking invested!!! Well done, Rachel Carter! Ladies and Gents, this book is like nothing we thought it would go. It took an unexpected angle from book 1 and 2- fear not, it's a good unexpected angle. We got to learn more about the characters, about the kingdom of Jerar, about the politics, about the royalty. We learned about fickleness and hate, we learned about what love will do to a person and the extent one would go to protect someone. We learned about loss. Our children are no longer children anymore! They have matured, they are adults and man, that character-growth shone through. This book is what I would call complex-politics, we delve more into that- which I personally loved! There were so many plot twists in this here that i almost pulled out my hair! It took my breath away and left me clutching my stomach, gasping for air, while my heart was ripped out of my chest! I blame you for my emotional instability Carter! :P Okay now that the background stuff has been discussed, let's reel it in to the more character-complex stuff. When this book started, I felt like it was a bit slow compared to the first 2 but once the action got going, it never stopped. It's filled with action, suspense, magic and general awesomeness! Carter took it up another level! Ryiah in here came across to me as very power-hungry, as in more than ever before. I will admit that it annoyed me a fair bit because I kept wanting to whack her over the head and scream that she shouldn't think ill of the boy she'll marry! However, I felt like that also made her very real. Ryiah isn't perfect, she's all passion and brawn but she has enough courage and compassion to face her mistakes when she makes them. his royal hotness, Darren...what can I say about him. My God I love this boy. Rachel Carter finally gives us what we've all been dying for- his backstory. AND I almost died. Many times because of it. It's quiet possible that i fell more in love with him in this book. I kid you not, prepare yourselves guys, this book is emotionally heavy and daunting but oh so goooood! "...even when he was arrogant, he was attractive. Or maybe it was because of his smug self-assurance. It made me want to slap that silly smile off his face, and then grab him by the collar and kiss him until I couldn't breathe. Not necessarily in that order." I love him so much, haha. Sorry, I'll try to stop the sappiness but so many times I kept thinking "Yup, I'd kiss him!" THE BETRAYALS IN THIS BOOK DROVE ME MAD!! I suspected from the start, i did but i almost screamed at what happened towards the end. I can't, I just can't! My tummy cramped up from stress, fear and hurt so many times! But it also had a major case of the butterflies! Rachel Carter, on top of my emotional instability, I also blame you for my health problems now! There was also incredible villains in this book! seriously, this author kept me guessing the ENTIRE time and my mouth dropped open towards the end. I nearly had a seizure by the way it ended! (see health problems!) Okay, now let's get to the juicy bit I know you've all been itching for- the romance. OH. MY. GOD. There's no other way to express it. I'm totally twitterpated, i can't even begin to explain it to you guys, but I'm going to try REALLY hard! This romance is raw, powerful, beautiful, painful and mesmerizing. But the emotions are so potent and raw! It felt exactly like a real relationship should be (minus Ryiah's power-hungry tendencies- which stole the .5 stars for me). It was accepting, loving and the thing that got me the most, is that they never gave up on each other. No matter the pain, no matter what, they would go through hell and back for each other. This is one of my absolute favourite YA relationships, hands down. Also, it gets a bit more physical but not NA physical! which I know will make some very happy haha. This series keeps getting better and better! Rachel Carter has a definite fan in me forever, keep doing what you're doing Rachel because you write an amazing story! My favourite part in this book was the moment Ryiah spoke out to a certain DUKE! I cheered out loud and happy danced all around my room! I have so many favourite bits to be honest! Side Note- the candidacy thing took a total unexpected turn! it was freaking brilliant. Thank for keeping me on my toes Carter! loved it! Now! The Winner of the candidacy is: (view spoiler) I DESPERATELY NEED THE 4TH BOOK! THAT ENDING WAS MEAN! Stay awesome my lovelies and BUY THIS BOOK! JUST DO IT! Sincerely yours forever, -The Book Herald Check out my blog- The Book Herald Blog (Help the little people!) tweet me @thebookherald

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